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Artwork from left to right: Dolores Skowronski-Malloni - Corymbia ficifolia & Eucalyptus caesiaArtwork from left to right: Harriet O’Donnell - Cymbidium ‘Golden Elf’, Leda Turner - Aeonium arboretum, Ann Hodgkinson - Telopea Shady Lady RedArtwork from left to right: Sharon Field – Banksia integrifolia, Angela Lober – Waratah, Linda Lunnon – Flannel flowersArtwork from left to right: Thea Clark – Sunflowers, Mary Ann Mein - Daucus carota - Wild carrot seed head, Lee  Machain - Amaryllis AmoreArtwork from left to right: Tanya Hoolihan - Strelitzia nicolai, Brenda Haas - Corymbia ficifolia, Maura Chamberlain - Richea dracophyllaArtwork from left to right: Halina  Steele - Syzygium suborbiculare, David Reynolds - Banksia serrata, Lynne Uptin - Hakea laurinaArtwork from left to right: Heather Simkin – Pumpkin, John Pastoriza Pinol – Mangosteens, Rochelle Maree - Sorrento pearArtwork from left to right: Frances Spain – Chinese elm, Sandra Cumming - Eucalyptus rhodantha - pink rose mallee, Joanna Thomas - Dahlia hybridArtwork from left to right: Andrew Carr - Eucalyptus conferruminata buds, flowers and gumnuts

What's Happening?   Would you like to join us?

Opening night for our Bountiful Botanicals: BAWW 2025 exhibition will be held on 28 March at 6pm at the

Belco Arts Gallery, 118 Emu Bank, Belconnen ACT.

During the exhibition we will be hosting workshops with some of our best botanical art teachers at the National Botanic Gardens in Canberra ACT.

There will also be demonstrations by some of our artists at the exhibition itself.

BAWW Workshops

Registration now open.

Join BASA for the discounted price.

BAWW Demonstrations

Bountiful Botanicals: A Botanical Art Worldwide Exhibition Catalogue

Available soon!

Coming Events

Freemantle, Catherine - Tulipa
Freemantle, Catherine - Hydrangea macrophylla
Freemantle, Catherine - Daucus carota
Freemantle, Catherine - Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Salamon, Marta - Papaver nudicaule
Salamon, Marta - Banksia grandis
Thomas, Joanna - King Protea
Thomas, Joanna - Hydrangea
Thomas, Joanna - Gum Leaf
Thomas, Joanna - Dying Strelitzia
Thomas, Joanna - Banksia Seed Pod
Stuart, Sue - Magnolia kobus
Stuart, Sue - Helleborus
Stuart, Sue - Richea dracophylla
Stuart, Sue - Eucalyptus globulus - Tasmanian blue gum
Stuart, Sue - Corymbia ficifolia
Stack, Claire - Xylomelum pyriforme
Stack, Claire - Lambertia formosa
Stack, Claire - Hakea platysperma
Stack, Claire - Hakea orthorrhyncha
Stack, Claire - Eucalyptus pyriformis
Skowronski-Malloni, Dolores - Platanus orientalis 'Digitata' & Lorica pilicornis - Ground Beetle
Skowronski-Malloni, Dolores - Platanus orientalis 'Digitata' & Tectocoris diophthalmus - Harlequin Beetle
Skowronski-Malloni, Dolores - Eucalyptus forrestiana
Skowronski-Malloni, Dolores - Eucalyptus caesia
Skowronski-Malloni, Dolores - Corymbia ficifolia
Salamon, Marta - Hydrangea
Salamon, Marta - Cedrus deodara cropped
Salamon, Marta - Amanita muscaria
Pittman, Jan - Spring wildflowers - Perth Hills
Pittman, Jan - Templetonia retusa
Pittman, Jan - Patersonia occidentalis
Pittman, Jan - Hibbertias of the wandoo woodland
Pittman, Jan - Acacia alata
Morris, Judy - Helianthus annuus
Morris, Judy - Eryngium planum
Morris, Judy - Celosia argentea
McNeil, Deborah - Hippeastrum
McNeil, Deborah - Swainsona formosa
McNeil, Deborah - Malus
McNeil, Deborah - Hibiscus schizopetalus
McNeil, Deborah - Caladenia
Hoolihan, Tanya - Tulipa 'Lasting Love'
Hoolihan, Tanya - Tacca chantrieri - Bat Plant
Hoolihan, Tanya - Bromeliad neoregelia sp.
Hoolihan, Tanya - Autumn leaf
Holcombe, Julie - Xanthorrhoea
Holcombe, Julie - Xanthorrhoea with flower spikes
Holcombe, Julie - Xanthorrhoea australis
Holcombe, Julie - Sunflowers and Paper Daisy
Holcombe, Julie - Banksia - 'Art of Conversation'
Edstein, Melinda - Cucurbita maxima
Edstein, Melinda - Callistemon viminalis, Corymbia ficifolia, Grevillea rhyolitica, Alstroemeria psittacina
Edstein, Melinda - Clivia miniata, Clivia miniata var. citrina, Clivia Belgian hybrid
Edstein, Melinda - Capsicum annum
Edstein, Melinda - Guzmania 'Torch', Vriesea hybrid cultivar, Vriesea duvaliana
Caligiuri, Rochelle - Violas and The Millipede
Caligiuri, Rochelle - Pyrus communis, William Bartlett pear. Titled 'Sorrento Pear'.
Caligiuri, Rochelle - Eucalyptus pauciflora, Australian Snow Gum Leaf. Titled ‘Hope’.
Caligiuri, Rochelle - Corymbia ficifolia 'Summer Glory'. Titled ‘Sculptural View’.
Boxall, Fiona - Lake Ginninderra mistletoe
Boxall, Fiona - Mallee rose
Boxall, Fiona - Forest floor with moth
Boxall, Fiona - Elkhorn at Murramarang
Boxall, Fiona - Canberra orchids
Bogoyevitch, Marie - Eucalyptus conferruminata
Bogoyevitch, Marie - Brachychiton populneus immature pods
Bogoyevitch, Marie - Brachychiton populneus flowers and mature pods
Bogoyevitch, Marie - Banksia integrifolia
Bogoyevitch, Marie - Allocasuarina verticillata
Allen, Beverly - Wollemia nobilis
Allen, Beverly - Tulipa 'Orange Princess'
Allen, Beverly - Stenocarpus sinuatus
Allen, Beverly - Nelumbo lutea
Allen, Beverly - Corymbia ptychocarpa x ficifolia

Go to our online store for beautiful prints, calendar and cards from our very talented members for sale! Here are some of the prints for sale in our online store:

More new additions to the Marketplace - another 4 great books have just been added with several others reduced in price. Check out the wonderful bargains!

Calendar of Botanical Art Events

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

© 2025 The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.  |  Site by HighlandCreative.com.au

All images on this site are copyright by the artists and may only be used with their permission.

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