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The Botanical Art Society of Australia (BASA) is a non-profit organisation which aims to foster and promote the development of botanical art nationwide and to bring together people who have a love of plants and of the botanical art form.

A warm welcome is extended to all interested people in Australia and overseas who would like to further their interest in plants and botanical art by becoming a member of the Society.

Members receive a Newsletter four times per year and the Society holds annual exhibitions around Australia.

Botanical Art can be described as a liaison between the disciplines of art and science. Specifically, the aim is to capture the essence of the plant; its form, texture and growth habits, in a two-dimensional medium such as painting and drawing.

Watercolour is a traditional medium and its translucent qualities compliment the beauty of the plant but other mediums such as graphite and coloured pencil are also commonly used. The typical range of subjects for the botanical artist include native and exotic flowers and plants, fruits and vegetables.

Objectives of the Society are to:

  • Pursue excellence in botanical painting & Drawing.
  • Embrace both classical and innovative approaches to Botanical Art
  • Institute workshops with outstanding contributions by experienced and well regarded tutors.
  • Conduct Exhibitions of Botanical Art.
  • Stimulate interest in plants, conservation, horticulture and the environment through Botanical Art.
  • Promote and protect Australia’s extraordinary rich diversity of plant life by all reasonable social and other appropriate means.
  • Provide for its members, through a Newsletter and website, relevant information about botanical art classes, exhibitions and excursions.

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

© 2025 The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.  |  Site by HighlandCreative.com.au

All images on this site are copyright by the artists and may only be used with their permission.

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