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Cheryl Hodges

Cheryl is a natural history artist, painting plants and insects in watercolour, on paper and vellum. She particularly enjoys painting Australian native plants and insects, and more recently has been focusing on threatened and endangered species. Cheryl teaches both botanical and insect illustration. She hopes that through her painting and teaching, she will encourage people to look at the natural world with curiosity and fascination and therefore be more inclined to look after it. 

Cheryl has completed many commissions and won several awards in recent years including Best in Show at the BASA exhibition in 2015. Since 2005 she has exhibited in the renowned Botanica exhibition at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney. Cheryl has held two solo exhibitions. She is an invited member of the Florilegium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney with two paintings in the permanent collection. She also has paintings in the collections of CSIRO Canberra, and the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.

Online Tutorials

Introduction to Botanical Art – Eucalyptus Leaves

Introduction to Botanical Art – Acacia, or Golden Wattle

Painting Eucalyptus Flowers in Watercolour 

Online tutorials for beginner and intermediate levels. Cheryl has been teaching for several years, and knows that students often have problems painting leaves. She decided to work her first tutorial around Eucalyptus leaves, as they are beautiful and a popular subject, and perfect for illustrating different watercolour techniques. 

Cheryl’s second tutorial painting the Acacia pycnantha, or Golden Wattle, focuses again on leaves but in a slightly different format. She also demonstrates how to paint the different stages of wattle flowers. In this tutorial she begins working on sketch pages, then moves on to painting a large composition.

These tutorials are aimed at beginners but artists with some experience will also gain knowledge of Cheryl’s techniques.

Cheryl also created a short (1 hour) tutorial on painting red Eucalyptus flowers. Artists are often daunted by these flowers but Cheryl breaks it down into steps and shows that they are not as difficult as you might think.

You can view preview videos of all tutorials before signing up. You can find links on Cheryl’s website at www.cherylhodges.com/workshops

4 photo(s) Updated on: 12 Apr 2023
  • Banksia menziesii
  • Dianella revoluta
  • Fungi collection
  • Ranunculus sp

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

© 2025 The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.  |  Site by HighlandCreative.com.au

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