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Leonie Norton

A practicing and exhibiting international botanical artist, Leonie is one of Australia’s most prominent and highly qualified botanical educators. She is also the author of the only book on botanical women artists’ in Australia ‘Women of Flowers: Botanical Art in Australia from 1830s to 1960s’.

Her qualifications include BA/Visual Art, B.Fine Art (BFA Honours) in Natural History (Plant and Wildlife Illustration) and a post graduate degree (Grad.Dip) in Adult Education.

Leonie teaches regular weekly classes, specialised workshops in NSW, Queensland, WA and NZ, and week long Summer Schools in regional NSW, WA, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada and the UK.

She successfully exhibits annually with the Botanical Art Society of Australia, the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens, Canberra Botanical Exhibition, as well as in the UK and New Zealand. Her work is in private and public collections in Australia and overseas, including the prestigious Hunt Institute of Botanical Documentation in Pennsylvania, USA.

Leonie is past President of the Botanical Art Society of Australia and was a long standing and active committee member and is also a member of the American Botanical Art Society and NAVA (National Assoc of Visual Artists).

As well as illustrating botanical subjects for magazines and writing articles for botanical publications, she has had articles and work published in The Australian Artist, Artist’s Palette, The Garden Clubs of Australia Magazine, Queensland Home Magazine and Friends of the Garden (Sydney) Magazine.

Leonie is qualified as a botanical art judge, and as well as judging Australian exhibitions, she is also an External Botanical Art Examiner for Certificate Course from the United States.

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Banksia.prionotes and Spinebill honeyeaters

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

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