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Susannah Blaxill

Susannah Blaxill works in watercolour, graphite, charcoal, ink and coloured pencil.

She has exhibited around the world with paintings and drawings held in both Public and Private collections. Her work is exhibited often at Kew Gardens, London, and was shown as part of the companion exhibition in London alongside the Retrospective Exhibition of Rory McEwen.

Most notably, her work has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art in Edinburgh, Scotland, The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK, The Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, USA, The Carnegie Melon University, Pittsburg, USA, The Marciana Library, Venice, Italy, The Museo della Grafica, Pisa, Italy, The Millesgarden Museum, Sweden, and the Sompo Museum of Art in Tokyo, Japan.

Her work has appeared on the front page of the Arts Section of The New York Times. Susannah has had 2 solo shows in London, both of which sold out. Most of her work is commissioned and she also teaches students at all levels, in her studio in Mittagong, NSW, and at other venues across Australia

Website:  http://blaxill.com 



4 photo(s) Updated on: 7 Nov 2023
  • Agapantha
  • Bunch of rhubarb
  • Corymbia ficifolia
  • Half Finished Cabbage

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
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