Learn how to transfer a simple botanical drawing onto watercolour paper using perforating techniques. Day 1 will be dedicated to drawing a chosen subject; leaf, flower or plant – simple line drawing work is preferred for this technique. The design will then be transferred onto good quality watercolour paper. Some ready-to-go examples will be provided for experimentation. Day 2 will be dedicated to the perforation techniques of your design. The white on white perforated design creates a subtle and delicate etch-like pattern and a mesmerising effect, when held to the light.
Tutor: Dolores Skowronski-Malloni Cost: $160 members of Friends of GBG or $180 non-members Materials: Materials list available at FGBG Office Bookings: through the Friends’ office: (03) 5222 6053 Friends’ website: www.friendsgbg.org.au
The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.PO Box 1007Mitcham North VIC 3132
ABN 14 809 478 761
© 2025 The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc. | Site by HighlandCreative.com.au
All images on this site are copyright by the artists and may only be used with their permission.