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Workshop 2: Painting Workshop with Susannah Blaxill

  • 4 Sep 2023
  • 6 Sep 2023
  • Mittagong , NSW

There will be two Drawing Workshops and two Watercolour Painting Workshops. I have aligned the dates in such a way as to allow students to take just one workshop or add another consecutively if it's thought this would be beneficial. Nearer the time I will choose subjects, and, of course, you can always contact me with your ideas should you wish to attend.

The Watercolour Workshops will cover both washes and dry brush with explanation of the techniques shown through responsive discussion and demonstration. Students who feel that Hot Pressed papers are challenging can always bring Cold Pressed papers which are easier to work on. This will be further detailed in the Painting Materials List.

The Workshops will be limited to 6 students so that each will be given generous attention. Classes are held in my studio in Mittagong, NSW, from 9am-4pm

3 Day Painting Workshops $796  (Deposit to secure your place $400)

Contact: susannah@blaxill.com

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

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