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Flora 2016

The 2016 Annual Sydney BASA Members exhibition was again held at the historic Palm House, in the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, open to the public from Tuesday 26 July until Sunday 7 August.  The first week we were graced with beautiful weather but the second week turned very cold and extremely wet.  1,772 visitors were recorded.

Entries were received from 59 artists who submitted 130 original works, 61 prints and 743 cards. Of these 20 original artworks (framed and unframed), 10 prints and 250 cards were sold.

Judges this year were Louisa Murray, Botanist for the National Herbarium of NSW and Barbara Duckworth.  The Madeleine Taylor award of $500 for Best in Show went to Erica Saville’s Streptocarpus sp. There were three Highly Commended awards each winning $200. The winners were Sylvia Beresford ‘s David Austin Heritage Rose, Leda Turner’ s Chrysanthemum morifollium and Sandra I’Anson’s Syzygium paniculatum Sketchbook page.

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The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

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