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Our exhibition in Hobart is now over but many of the works are available to be seen here.

Please use the menu above to go to our exhibition gallery or to see the individual artists and the prize winners.

The exhibition was opened on Tuesday 26th  by Jane Longhurst from ABC Tasmania. Here are some photos:

Matthews, Janet - Caleana major - Large duck orchid
Scharaschkin, Tanya - Capsicum sp. - Chillies
Grahame, Susan - Malus floribunda - Crabapple
Matthews, Janet - Anigozanthos manglesii - Kangaroo paw
Scharaschkin, Tanya - Nelumbo lutea - Lotus
Haas, Brenda - Stylidium graminifolium
Field, Sharon - Acanthus mollis
Uptin, Lynne - Banksia robur - Swamp banksia
Grahame, Susan - Leucospermum cordifolium - Pincushion protea
Ahmed, Amanda - Echeveria sp.
Clark, Thea - Grevillea 'Superb'
Field, Sharon - Banksia integrifolia
Matthews, Janet - Eucalyptus macrocarpa
Hodgkinson, Ann - Eryngium sp. - Sea holly
Hodgkinson, Ann - Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus - Globe artichoke
Field, Sharon - Pinus radiata cone
Uptin, Lynne - Cymbidium x hybrida - Cymbidium orchid - in progress
Thigpen, Margot - Strelitzia reginae with Manorina melanocephala
Thigpen, Margot - Leucadendron argenteum - Silver leaf tree
Thigpen, Margot - Banksia integrifolia with Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
Klincic Andrews, Ana - Lilum 'Orange Pixie'
Davis, Georgina - Indigofera australis - Native indigo
Cumming, Sandra - Alstroemeria sp.
Cumming, Sandra - Rosa 'The RSL Rose' x 4 - hybrid tea rose
Cumming, Sandra - Rosa 'The RSL Rose' x 4 - dried hybrid tea rose
Davis, Georgina - Epacris impressa - Common heath
Davis, Georgina - Ozothamnus ledifolius - Mountain everlasting bush
Chamberlain, Maura - Acacia riceana - Rice's wattle
Chamberlain, Maura - Olearia argophylla - Musk daisybush
Chamberlain, Maura - Bedfordia salicina - Blanket bush
Chamberlain, Maura - Richea dracophylla - Pineapple richea, dragon richea
Salamon, Marta - Syringa vulgaris - lilac
Salamon, Marta - Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus - Globe artichoke
Scharaschkin, Tanya - Dietes grandiflora - Top view
Scharaschkin, Tanya - Dietes grandiflora - Side view
Reynolds, David - Banksia serrata
Pastoriza Piñol, John - Paeonia suffruticosa - Tree peony 'Wu Jin Yao Hui'
Pastoriza Piñol, John - Garcinia mangostana - Mangosteens
Pastoriza Piñol, John - Colchicum speciosum 'Waterlily'
Morris, Judy - Podolepis rugata subsp. trullata - Pleated daisy
Morris, Judy - Dianthus barbatus 'Green Trick' - Sweet William
Morris, Judy - Acacia anceps - Two edged wattle
Maximova, Anastasia - Calytrix exstipulata - Pink turkey bush
Uptin, Lynne - Richea dracophylla - Dragon heath
Uptin, Lynne - Hakea laurina - Pin-cushion hakea
Uptin, Lynne - Banksia coccinea - Scarlet banksia
Thigpen, Margot - Leucadendron sp. - Cone flower
Stuart, Sue - Papaver somniferum 'Danish Flag'
Stuart, Sue - Anemone x hybrida 'Queen Charlotte'
Stuart, Sue - Nothofagus gunnii - Tanglewood
Stuart, Sue - Haemanthus coccineus - Blood lily
Steele, Halina - Syzygium suborbiculare - Forest satinash
Scharaschkin, Tanya - Lomatia silaifolia
Davis, Georgina - Posidonia australis - Seagrass
Cumming, Sandra - Caladenia flava
Clark, Thea - Wisteria sp.
Carr, Andrew - Eucalyptus conferruminata Panel 3 Gumnuts
Carr, Andrew - Eucalyptus conferruminata Panel 2 Open Flowers
Carr, Andrew - Eucalyptus conferruminata Panel 1 Buds
Ansselin, Annick - Usnea scabrida - Old man's beard
Ansselin, Annick - Hypogymnia tasmanica - Foliose lichen
Ansselin, Annick - Eucalyptus pulchella - White peppermint gum
Hodgkinson, Ann - Telopea speciosissima x oreades 'Shady Lady Red' - Waratah
Hodgkinson, Ann - Echinacea purpurea
Haas, Brenda - Protea neriifolia
Haas, Brenda - Lagunaria patersonia
Haas, Brenda - Corymbia ficifolia
Haas, Brenda - Anopterus glandulosus
Grahame, Susan - Wisteria sinensis
Field, Sharon - Rosa sp. and fungi

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The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

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